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author={Huijong Han and Petri Kursula},
title={Preliminary crystallographic analysis of the {N}-terminal {PDZ}-like domain of periaxin, an abundant peripheral nerve protein linked to human neuropathies},
journal={Acta Cryst. F},
keywords={myelin; periaxin; PDZ-like domain; neuropathy;},
abstract={Periaxin (PRX) is an abundant protein in peripheral nerves and contains a predicted PDZ-like domain at its N-terminus. The large isoform, L-PRX, is required for the maintenance of myelin in the peripheral nervous system and its defects cause neurological disease. Here, the human periaxin PDZ-like domain was crystallized and X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.85 \AA resolution using synchrotron radiation. The crystal belonged to the primitive hexagonal space group $P$3$_1$21$ or $P$3$_2$21, with unit-cell parameters $a$ = $b$ = 80.6, $c$ = 81.0 \AA, $\gamma$ = 120$\deg$ and either two or three molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure of PRX will shed light on its poorly characterized function in the nervous system.}
Huijong Han and Petri Kursula, Preliminary crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal PDZ-like domain of periaxin, an abundant peripheral nerve protein linked to human neuropathies, Acta Cryst. F 69, 804–808 (2013)
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