BibTeX file of [Moreno24]
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author={Andrea Moreno and Isabel Quereda-Moraleda and Celia Lozano-Vallhonrat and Mar{\'i}a Bu{\~n}uel-Escudero and Sabine Botha and Christopher Kupitz and Stella Lisova and Ray Sierra and Valerio Mariani and Pamela Schleissner and Leland B. Gee and Katerina D{\"o}rner and Christina Schmidt and Huijong Han and Marco Kloos and Peter Smyth and Joana Valerio and Joachim Schulz and Raphael {de Wijn} and Diogo V. M. Melo and Adam Round and Fabian Trost and Egor Sobolev and Juncheng E and Marcin Sikorski and Richard Bean and Marta Mart{\'i}nez-J{\'u}lvez and Jose Manuel Martin-Garcia and Milagros Medina},
title={New insights into the function and molecular mechanisms of {F}erredoxin-{NADP}$^+$ reductase from \emph{Brucella ovis}},
journal={Arch. Biochem. Biophys.},
keywords={European XFEL;},
abstract={Bacterial ferredoxin(flavodoxin)-NADP$^+$ reductases (FPR) primarily catalyze the transfer of reducing equivalents from NADPH to ferredoxin (or flavodoxin) to provide low potential reducing equivalents for the oxidoreductive metabolism. In addition, they can be implicated in regulating reactive oxygen species levels. Here we assess the functionality of FPR from emph{B. ovis} to understand its potential roles in the bacteria physiology. We prove that this FPR is active with the endogenous [2Fe--2S] Fdx ferredoxin, exhibiting a $K_M^{Fdx}$ in the low micromolar range. At the molecular level, this study provides with the first structures of an FPR at room temperature obtained by serial femtosecond crystallography, envisaging increase in flexibility at both the adenine nucleotide moiety of FAD and the C-terminal tail. The produced microcrystals are in addition suitable for future mix-and-inject time-resolved studies with the NADP$^+$/H coenzyme either at synchrotrons or XFELs. Furthermore, the study also predicts the ability of FPR to simultaneously interact with Fdx and NADP$^+$/H.}
Andrea Moreno, Isabel Quereda-Moraleda, Celia Lozano-Vallhonrat, María Buñuel-Escudero, Sabine Botha, Christopher Kupitz, Stella Lisova, Ray Sierra, Valerio Mariani, Pamela Schleissner, Leland B. Gee, Katerina Dörner, Christina Schmidt, Huijong Han, Marco Kloos, Peter Smyth, Joana Valerio, Joachim Schulz, Raphael de Wijn, Diogo V.M. Melo, Adam Round, Fabian Trost, Egor Sobolev, Juncheng E, Marcin Sikorski, Richard Bean, Marta Martínez-Júlvez, Jose Manuel Martin-Garcia, and Milagros Medina, New insights into the function and molecular mechanisms of Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase from Brucella ovis, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 762, 110204 (2024)
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