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BibTeX file of [Ziaja15] [show it with abstract]

    author={Beata Ziaja and Zoltan Jurek and Nikita Medvedev and Vikrant Saxena and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra},
    title={Towards realistic simulations of macromolecules irradiated under the conditions of coherent diffraction imaging with an x-ray free-electron laser},
    keywords={molecular imaging; single particle imaging; molecular dynamics; radiation damage; XFEL; XMDYN; XATOM; CFEL; DESY;},
    doi={10.3390/photonics2010256} }

Beata Ziaja, Zoltan Jurek, Nikita Medvedev, Vikrant Saxena, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, Towards realistic simulations of macromolecules irradiated under the conditions of coherent diffraction imaging with an x-ray free-electron laser, Photonics 2, 256–269 (2015) [pdf][pdf][abstract][abstract][link]doi:10.3390/photonics2010256

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