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BibTeX file of [Son15a] [show it with abstract]

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Phasing with electronic radiation damage at high x-ray intensity},
    month={January 14-16},
    booktitle={BioXFEL STC 2nd Annual International Conference},
    address={Ponce, Puerto Rico},
    keywords={HIP; HI-RIP; HI-MAD; SFX; serial femtosecond crystallography; femtosecond x-ray crystallography; nanocrystal; phase problem; XATOM; FEL; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},
    url={https://www.bioxfel.org/events/details/6} }

Sang-Kil Son, Phasing with electronic radiation damage at high x-ray intensity in BioXFEL STC 2nd Annual International Conference (Ponce, Puerto Rico, January 14-16, 2015) [invited talk] [slide][slide: 6Mb][abstract][abstract][link][link]

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