All citations with Huijong Han containing “GVDN”
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- Samuel Perrett, Alisia Fadini, Christopher D.M. Hutchison, Sayantan Bhattacharya, Cade Morrison, Oleksii Turkot, Mads Bregenholt Jakobsen, Michael Größler, José Licón-Saláiz, Florian Griese, Samuel Flewett, Joana Valerio, Joachim Schulz, Mykola Biednov, Yifeng Jiang, Huijong Han, Hazem Yousef, Dmitry Khakhulin, Christopher Milne, Anton Barty, and Jasper J. van Thor, Kilohertz droplet-on-demand serial femtosecond crystallography at the European XFEL station FXE, Struct. Dyn. 11, 024310 (2024) [BibTeX][pdf][abstract]doi:10.1063/4.0000248
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