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author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra},
title={Unusual phenomena in x-ray multiphoton ionization of atoms},
month={September 19-23},
booktitle={Science at FELs},
institution={DESY and European XFEL},
address={Hamburg, Germany},
keywords={XATOM; CFEL; DESY;},
abstract={Unprecedentedly intense x-ray pulses, provided by x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facilities, can create unusual, highly excited states of matter, which have not been conceivable with conventional light sources. Interaction of atoms with intense XFEL pulses is characterized by x-ray multiphoton ionization, where complex ionization dynamics are involved with a sequence of photoionization events and accompanying relaxation processes. We have developed an integrated toolkit to describe x-ray-induced atomic physics, XATOM, which has been a key development for interpreting and designing XFEL experiments and advancing XFEL science. In this contribution, we will present an overview of XATOM, highlighting two recent results: the breakdown of frustrated absorption and x-ray resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization.}
Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra, Unusual phenomena in x-ray multiphoton ionization of atoms in Science at FELs (DESY and European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany, September 19-23, 2022) [poster]
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