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BibTeX file of [Son07a] [show it without abstract]

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Shih-I Chu},
    title={Floquet formulation for the investigation of multiphoton quantum interference in a superconducting qubit driven by a strong field},
    month={June 5-9},
    booktitle={The 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics},
    organization={American Physics Society},
    address={Calgary, Alberta, Canada},
    keywords={Floquet; two-level; quantum interference; strong-field; qubit; SQUID; KU;},
    abstract={We present a Floquet investigation of multiphoton quantum interference in a strongly driven superconducting qubit. The procedure involves a transformation of a time-dependent problem into an equivalent time-independent infinite-dimensional Floquet matrix eigenvalue problem. The results of a two-level qubit system show quantum interference fringes around multiphoton resonance positions in agreement with the experimental results of Oliver et al., Science\ \textbf{310}, 1653 (2005). We further explore the interference patterns in terms of quasienergies and the resonance position shifts as the tunneling strength increased. The Floquet formulation promises a new and accurate approach for the investigation of quantum interference phenomenon in the qubits.
    [ Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 52, No. 7, p. 91 ]} }

Sang-Kil Son and Shih-I Chu, Floquet formulation for the investigation of multiphoton quantum interference in a superconducting qubit driven by a strong field in The 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (American Physics Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 5-9, 2007) [poster] [slide][slide: 2Mb][abstract][abstract][link][link]

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