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BibTeX file of [Choi00]

    author={Yun-Jeong Choi and Hui-Jong Han and Joon-Hwa Lee and Se-Won Suh and Byong-Seok Choi},
    title={Synthesis and NMR Studies of the RNA-Cleaving DNA Enzyme},
    journal={Bull. Korean Chem. Soc.},
    keywords={NMR; DNA enzyme; KAIST;},
    url={http://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=JCGMCS_2000_v21n10_955} }

Yun-Jeong Choi, Hui-Jong Han, Joon-Hwa Lee, Se-Won Suh, and Byong-Seok Choi, Synthesis and NMR Studies of the RNA-Cleaving DNA Enzyme, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 21, 955–956 (2000) [pdf][pdf][link][link]

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