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BibTeX file of [Son12a] [show it with abstract]

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra},
    title={XATOM: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and atomic physics},
    month={January 7-8},
    booktitle={The 3rd CQSE International Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, and Ultrafast Science and Technology},
    school={National Taiwan University},
    address={Taipei, Taiwan},
    keywords={XATOM; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; damage; FEL; C; Ne; Fe; Xe; CFEL; DESY;},
    url={http://www.tl.ntu.edu.tw/2012/cqse/index.asp} }

Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra, XATOM: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and atomic physics in The 3rd CQSE International Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, and Ultrafast Science and Technology (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, January 7-8, 2012) [poster] [poster][poster: 4Mb][abstract][abstract][link][link]

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