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BibTeX file of [Son09e] [show it with abstract]

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Shih-I Chu},
    title={Multiple orbital contribution in multiphoton ionization of H$_2$O in intense ultrafast laser fields},
    month={July 28-August 1},
    booktitle={International Conference on Attosecond Physics},
    address={Manhattan, Kansas},
    keywords={VFD; TDVFD; Voronoi; attosecond; strong-field; TDDFT; MPI; H2O; KU;},
    url={http://jrm.phys.ksu.edu/Atto-09/} }

Sang-Kil Son and Shih-I Chu, Multiple orbital contribution in multiphoton ionization of H2O in intense ultrafast laser fields in International Conference on Attosecond Physics (Manhattan, Kansas, July 28-August 1, 2009) [poster] [pdf][pdf][slide][slide: 2Mb][abstract][abstract][link][link]

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