BibTeX file of [Kolbasova21a]
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author={Daria Kolbasova and Maximilian Hartmann and Rui Jin and Alexander Bl\"attermann and Christian Ott and Sang-Kil Son and Thomas Pfeifer and Robin Santra},
title={Probing ultrafast coherent dynamics in core-excited xenon by using attosecond {XUV}-{NIR} transient absorption spectroscopy},
month={July 20-23},
booktitle={XXXII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions},
keywords={Xe; attosecond; transient absorption; experiment; ATAS; CFEL; DESY;},
Daria Kolbasova, Maximilian Hartmann, Rui Jin, Alexander Blättermann, Christian Ott, Sang-Kil Son, Thomas Pfeifer, and Robin Santra, Probing ultrafast coherent dynamics in core-excited xenon by using attosecond XUV-NIR transient absorption spectroscopy in XXXII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (virtual, July 20-23, 2021)
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