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Floquet formulation for the investigation of multiphoton quantum interference in a superconducting qubit driven by a strong fieldSang-Kil Son and Shih-I Chu The 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics(American Physics Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 5-9, 2007) [poster] We present a Floquet investigation of multiphoton quantum interference in a strongly driven superconducting qubit. The procedure involves a transformation of a time-dependent problem into an equivalent time-independent infinite-dimensional Floquet matrix eigenvalue problem. The results of a two-level qubit system show quantum interference fringes around multiphoton resonance positions in agreement with the experimental results of Oliver et al., Science 310, 1653 (2005). We further explore the interference patterns in terms of quasienergies and the resonance position shifts as the tunneling strength increased. The Floquet formulation promises a new and accurate approach for the investigation of quantum interference phenomenon in the qubits. [ Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 52, No. 7, p. 91 ] Tags: Floquet, two-level, quantum interference, strong-field, qubit, SQUID, KU
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