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Abstract of [Kumagai21]

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Suppression of thermal nanoplasma emission in clusters strongly ionized by hard x-rays

Yoshiaki Kumagai, Zoltan Jurek, Weiqing Xu, Vikrant Saxena, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Koji Motomura, Denys Iablonskyi, Kiyonobu Nagaya, Shin-ichi Wada, Yuta Ito, Tsukasa Takanashi, Shuhei Yamada, Yuta Sakakibara, Toshiyuki Nishiyama, Takayuki Umemoto, Minna Patanen, John D. Bozek, Ioan Dancus, Mihail Cernaianu, Catalin Miron, Tobias Bauer, Melanie Mucke, Edwin Kukk, Shigeki Owada, Tadashi Togashi, Kensuke Tono, Makina Yabashi, Sang-Kil Son, Beata Ziaja, Robin Santra, and Kiyoshi Ueda

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 044001 (2021) [Special issue on Frontiers of AMO Science with FELs and Synchrotron Radiation]


Using electron and ion spectroscopy, we studied the electron and nuclear dynamics in ∼50,000-atom large krypton clusters, following excitation with an intense hard x-ray pulse. Beyond the single pulse experiment, we also present the results of a time-resolved, x-ray pump–near-infrared probe measurement that allows one to learn about the time evolution of the system. After core ionization of the atoms by x-ray photons, trapped Auger and secondary electrons form a nanoplasma in which the Kr ions are embedded, according to the already published scenario. While the ion data show expected features, the electron emission spectra miss the expected pump–probe delay-dependent enhancement except a slight enhancement in the energy range below 2 eV. Theoretical simulations helped to reveal that, due to the deep trapping potential of the ions during the long time expansion accompanied by electron–ion recombination, thermal emission from the transient nanoplasma became quenched.

Tags: XMDYN, Kr, cluster, nanoplasma, SACLA, pump-probe, experiment, CFEL, DESY

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