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Abstract of [Jahnke21]

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Inner-shell-ionization-induced femtosecond structural dynamics of water molecules imaged at an x-ray free-electron laser

Till Jahnke, Renaud Guillemin, Ludger Inhester, Sang-Kil Son, Gregor Kastirke, Markus Ilchen, Jonas Rist, Daniel Trabert, Niklas Melzer, Nils Anders, Tommaso Mazza, Rebecca Boll, Alberto De Fanis, Valerija Music, Thorsten Weber, Miriam Weller, Sebastian Eckart, Kilian Fehre, Sven Grundmann, Alexander Hartung, Max Hofmann, Christian Janke, Max Kircher, Giammarco Nalin, Andreas Pier, Juliane Siebert, Nico Strenger, Isabel Vela-Perez, Thomas M. Baumann, Patrik Grychtol, Jacobo Montano, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Nils Rennhack, Daniel E. Rivas, Rene Wagner, Pawel Ziolkowski, Philipp Schmidt, Tatiana Marchenko, Oksana Travnikova, Loïc Journel, Iyas Ismail, Edwin Kukk, Johannes Niskanen, Florian Trinter, Caterina Vozzi, Michele Devetta, Salvatore Stagira, Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Anna Lena Jäger, Xiang Li, Yubaraj Malakar, Michael Martins, Raimund Feifel, Lothar Ph.H. Schmidt, Achim Czasch, Giuseppe Sansone, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Robert Moshammer, Reinhard Dörner, Michael Meyer, Thomas Pfeifer, Markus S. Schöffler, Robin Santra, Marc Simon, and Maria Novella Piancastelli

Phys. Rev. X 11, 041044 (2021)


The ultrafast structural dynamics of water following inner-shell ionization is a crucial issue in high-energy radiation chemistry. We have exposed isolated water molecules to a short x-ray pulse from a free-electron laser and detected momenta of all produced ions in coincidence. By combining experimental results and theoretical modeling, we can image dissociation dynamics of individual molecules in unprecedented detail. We reveal significant molecular structural dynamics in H2O2+, such as asymmetric deformation and bond-angle opening, leading to two-body or three-body fragmentation on a timescale of a few femtoseconds. We thus reconstruct several snapshots of structural dynamics at different time intervals, which highlight dynamical patterns that are relevant as initiating steps of subsequent radiation-damage processes.

Tags: XMOLECULE, water, fragmentation, coincidence, experiment, SQS, European XFEL, CFEL, DESY

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