1. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, “State-resolved ionization dynamics of neon atom induced by x-ray free-electron-laser pulses,” Phys. Rev. A 107, 013102 (2023).
  2. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, Robin Santra, and Marina Tropmann-Frick, “State-resolved ionization dynamics calculations combined with machine learning” in DASHH Evaluation (Helmholtz Graduate School DASHH, Hamburg, Germany, May 31-June 2, 2023).
  3. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, Zoltan Jurek, Malik Muhammad Abdullah, Marina Tropmann-Frick, and Robin Santra, “X-ray-induced atomic transitions via machine learning: A computational investigation,” Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 013265 (2024).
  4. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, “Electron-cloud alignment dynamics induced by an intense X-ray free-electron laser pulse: a case study on atomic argon,” Commun. Phys. 7, 363 (2024) [special issue: Ultrafast X-ray Spectroscopy].
  5. Sang-Kil Son, Laura Budewig, and Robin Santra, “Quantum-state-resolved ionization dynamics induced by x-ray free-electron laser pulses” in International Workshop on Ultra-Fast Science (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, April 21-23, 2024) [poster].