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%% All citations  containing “MD”

    author={Kota Hanasaki and Oriol Vendrell and Sang-Kil Son and Ludger Inhester and Yajiang Hao and Robin Santra},
    title={Formulation of non-adiabatic molecular dynamics triggered by core ionization},
    month={July 12-17},
    booktitle={The Hamburg Conference on Femtochemistry},
    address={Hamburg, Germany},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; non-adiabatic; molecular dynamics; MD; surface hopping; SH; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Artem Rudenko and Ludger Inhester and Kota Hanasaki and Xiang Li and Seyyed J. Robatjazi and Benjamin Erk and Rebecca Boll and Koudai Toyota and Yajiang Hao and Oriol Vendrell and Cedric Bomme and Evgeny Savelyev and Benedikt Rudek and Lutz Foucar and Stephen H. Southworth and Carl S. Lehmann and Bertold Kr{\"a}ssig and Tatiana Marchenko and Marc Simon and Kiyoshi Ueda and Ken R. Ferguson and Maximilian Bucher and Tais Gorkhover and Sebastian Carron and Roberto Alonso-Mori and Jason E. Koglin and Jonathan Correa and Garth J. Williams and S{\'e}bastien Boutet and Linda Young and Christoph Bostedt and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Femtosecond response of polyatomic molecules to ultra-intense hard X-rays},
    keywords={CH3I; ultrafast; ionization; fragmentation; charge rearrangement; charge transfer; coulomb explosion; x-ray explosion dynamics; x-ray multiphoton ionization; MD; molecular dynamics; MMID; CREXIM; XMOLECULE; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Xiang Li and Ludger Inhester and Timur Osipov and Rebecca Boll and Ryan Coffee and James Cryan and Ave Gatton and Tais Gorkhover and Gregor Hartman and Markus Ilchen and Andr\'e Knie and Ming-Fu Lin and Michael P. Minitti and Clemens Weninger and Thomas J. A. Wolf and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra and Daniel Rolles and Artem Rudenko and Peter Walter},
    title={Electron-ion coincidence measurements of molecular dynamics with intense x-ray pulses},
    journal={Sci. Rep.},
    keywords={ultrafast; ionization; fragmentation; molecular dynamic; MD; coincidence; pump-probe; XMOLECULE; LCLS; experiment; CFEL; DESY},