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%% All citations  containing “LCLS”

    author={Gilles Doumy and C. Roedig and Sang-Kil Son and C. I. Blaga and A. D. DiChiara and Robin Santra and N. Berrah and C. Bostedt and J. D. Bozek and P. H. Bucksbaum and J. P. Cryan and L. Fang and S. Ghimire and J. M. Glownia and M. Hoener and E. P. Kanter and B. Kr{\"a}ssig and M. Kuebel and M. Messerschmidt and G. G. Paulus and D. A. Reis and N. Rohringer and L. Young and P. Agostini and L. F. DiMauro},
    title={Nonlinear atomic response to intense ultrashort x rays},
    journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.},
    keywords={Ne; nonlinear; x-ray; LCLS; experiment; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Christoph Roedig and Gilles Doumy and Sang-Kil Son and C. I. Blaga and Anthony DiChiara and R. Santra and N. Berrah and C. Bosteadt and J. D. Bozek and Philip H. Bucksbaum and J. P. Cryan and L. Fang and S. Ghimire and J. M. Glownia and M. Hoener and E. P. Kanter and B. Krassig and M. Kuebel and M. Messerschmidt and G. Paulus and David A. Reis and Nina Rohringer and L. Young and Pierre Agostini and Lou DiMauro},
    title={Multi Photon Physics at the {LCLS}},
    month={16-20 October},
    booktitle={Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science XXVII},
    address={San Jose, California},
    keywords={Ne; nonlinear; x-ray; LCLS; experiment; XATOM; FEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Benedikt Rudek and Sang-Kil Son and Lutz Foucar and Sascha W. Epp and Benjamin Erk and Robert Hartmann and Marcus Adolph and Robert Andritschke and Andrew Aquila and Nora Berrah and Christoph Bostedt and John Bozek and Nicola Coppola and Frank Filsinger and Hubert Gorke and Tais Gorkhover and Heinz Graafsma and Lars Gumprecht and Andreas Hartmann and G{\"u}nter Hauser and Sven Herrmann and Helmut Hirsemann and Peter Holl and Andr{\'e} H{\"o}mke and Loic Journel and Christian Kaiser and Nils Kimmel and Faton Krasniqi and Kai-Uwe K{\"u}hnel and Michael Matysek and Marc Messerschmidt and Danilo Miesner and Thomas M{\"o}ller and Robert Moshammer and Kiyonobu Nagaya and Bj{\"o}rn Nilsson and Guillaume Potdevin and Daniel Pietschner and Christian Reich and Daniela Rupp and Gerhard Schaller and Ilme Schlichting and Carlo Schmidt and Florian Schopper and Sebastian Schorb and Claus-Dieter Schr{\"o}ter and Joachim Schulz and Marc Simon and Heike Soltau and Lothar Str{\"u}der and Kiyoshi Ueda and Georg Weidenspointner and Robin Santra and Joachim Ullrich and Artem Rudenko and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Ultra-efficient ionization of heavy atoms by intense x-ray free-electron laser pulses},
    journal={Nat. Photon.},
    keywords={Xe; resonance; excitation; damage; heavy atom; x-ray; REXMI; LCLS; experiment; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Benedikt Rudek and Daniel Rolles and Sang-Kil Son and Lutz Foucar and Benjamin Erk and Sascha Epp and Rebecca Boll and Denis Anielski and Christoph Bostedt and Sebastian Schorb and Ryan Coffee and John Bozek and Sebastian Trippel and Tatiana Marchenko and Marc Simon and Lauge Christensen and Sankar De and Shin-ichi Wada and Kiyoshi Ueda and Ilme Schlichting and Robin Santra and Joachim Ullrich and Artem Rudenko},
    title={Resonance-enhanced multiple ionization of krypton at an x-ray free-electron laser},
    journal={Phys. Rev. A},
    keywords={Kr; resonance; excitation; damage; heavy atom; x-ray; REXMI; LCLS; experiment; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra},
    title={Inner-shell multiphoton multiple ionization dynamics of xenon atoms by x-ray free-electron laser pulses},
    month={March 18-22},
    booktitle={DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP},
    organization={German Physical Society},
    address={Hanover, Germany},
    keywords={Xe; heavy atom; ionization dynamics; multiphoton; multiple ionization; inner-shell; decay cascade; x-ray; LCLS; SACLA; XATOM; FEL; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={oral presentation},

    author={Brendan Murphy and Timur Osipov and Zoltan Jurek and Li Fang and Sang-Kil Son and Melanie Mucke and John H. D. Eland and Vitali Zhaunerchyk and Raimund Feifel and Lorenzo Avaldi and Paola Bolognesi and Christoph Bostedt and J. D. Bozek and Jakob Grilj and Markus Guehr and Leszek J. Frasinski and James Glownia and Dang Trinh Ha and Kay Hoffmann and Edwin Kukk and Brian K. McFarland and Catalin Miron and Emily Sistrunk and Richard J. Squibb and Kiyoshi Ueda and Robin Santra and Nora Berrah},
    title={Femtosecond x-ray-induced explosion of {C}$_{60}$ at extreme intensity},
    journal={Nat. Commun.},
    keywords={C60; molecular dynamics; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; XMDYN; XATOM; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Lorenzo Galli and Sang-Kil Son and M. Klinge and S. Bajt and A. Barty and R. Bean and C. Betzel and K. R. Beyerlein and C. Caleman and R. B. Doak and M. Duszenko and H. Fleckenstein and C. Gati and B. Hunt and R. A. Kirian and M. Liang and M. H. Nanao and K. Nass and D. Oberth{\"u}r and L. Redecke and R. Shoeman and F. Stellato and C. H. Yoon and T. A. White and O. Yefanov and J. Spence and H. N. Chapman},
    title={Electronic damage in {S} atoms in a native protein crystal induced by an intense x-ray free-electron laser pulse},
    journal={Struct. Dyn.},
    keywords={HIP; high-intensity phasing; RIP; HI-RIP; MAD; x-ray crystallography; SFX; radiation damage; phase problem; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; XATOM; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={special issue on biology with x-ray lasers 2},

    author={Lorenzo Galli and Sang-Kil Son and Thomas R. M. Barends and Thomas A. White and Anton Barty and Sabine Botha and S{\'e}bastien Boutet and Carl Caleman and R. Bruce Doak and Max H. Nanao and Karol Nass and Robert L. Schoeman and Nicusor Timneanu and Robin Santra and Ilme Schlichting and Henry N. Chapman},
    title={Towards phasing using high x-ray intensity},
    keywords={HIP; high-intensity phasing; MAD; x-ray crystallography; SFX; radiation damage; phase problem; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; XATOM; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={What happens to atoms and molecules during x-ray free-electron laser pulses?},
    month={November 19},
    booktitle={Seminar on Dynamical Aspects of Theoretical Chemistry},
    organization={Department of Chemistry},
    school={Free University of Berlin},
    address={Berlin, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk}

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={What happens to atoms and molecules during x-ray free-electron laser pulses?},
    month={December 3},
    booktitle={Physical Colloquium},
    institution={Institute of Physics},
    school={University of Kassel},
    address={Kassel, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk}

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity},
    month={May 23-27},
    booktitle={The 47th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics},
    organization={American Physics Society},
    address={Providence, Rhode Island, United States},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Electronic structure at high x-ray intensity},
    month={October 10-14},
    booktitle={The electronic-structure problem in theoretical strong-field physics},
    school={Harvard University},
    address={Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={What happens to atoms and molecules during x-ray free-electron laser pulses?},
    month={October 18},
    booktitle={Physics and Photon Science Colloquium},
    organization={Department of Physics and Photon Science},
    address={Gwangju, Korea},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity},
    month={October 19-21},
    booktitle={Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting},
    organization={Korean Physical Society},
    address={Gwangju, Korea},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Artem Rudenko and Ludger Inhester and Kota Hanasaki and Xiang Li and Seyyed J. Robatjazi and Benjamin Erk and Rebecca Boll and Koudai Toyota and Yajiang Hao and Oriol Vendrell and Cedric Bomme and Evgeny Savelyev and Benedikt Rudek and Lutz Foucar and Stephen H. Southworth and Carl S. Lehmann and Bertold Kr{\"a}ssig and Tatiana Marchenko and Marc Simon and Kiyoshi Ueda and Ken R. Ferguson and Maximilian Bucher and Tais Gorkhover and Sebastian Carron and Roberto Alonso-Mori and Jason E. Koglin and Jonathan Correa and Garth J. Williams and S{\'e}bastien Boutet and Linda Young and Christoph Bostedt and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Femtosecond response of polyatomic molecules to ultra-intense hard X-rays},
    keywords={CH3I; ultrafast; ionization; fragmentation; charge rearrangement; charge transfer; coulomb explosion; x-ray explosion dynamics; x-ray multiphoton ionization; MD; molecular dynamics; MMID; CREXIM; XMOLECULE; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={What happens to atoms and molecules during X-ray free-electron laser pulses?},
    month={June 22},
    booktitle={European XFEL Theory Seminar},
    institution={European XFEL},
    address={Schenefeld, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Electronic structure of atoms and molecules at high x-ray intensity},
    month={November 29-December 1},
    booktitle={New trends in theory for experiments at advanced light sources},
    institution={European XFEL and CFEL},
    address={Schenefeld and Hamburg, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Benedikt Rudek and Koudai Toyota and Lutz Foucar and Benjamin Erk and Rebecca Boll and C{\'e}dric Bomme and Jonathan Correa and Sebastian Carron and S{\'e}bastien Boutet and Garth J. Williams and Ken R. Ferguson and Roberto Alonso-Mori and Jason E. Koglin and Tais Gorkhover and Maximilian Bucher and Carl Stefan Lehmann and Bertold Kr{\"a}ssig and Stephen H. Southworth and Linda Young and Christoph Bostedt and Kiyoshi Ueda and Tatiana Marchenko and Marc Simon and Zoltan Jurek and Robin Santra and Artem Rudenko and Sang-Kil Son and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Relativistic and resonant effects in the ionization of heavy atoms by ultra-intense hard X-rays},
    journal={Nat. Commun.},
    keywords={Xe; relativity; resonance; excitation; damage; heavy atom; x-ray; REXMI; LCLS; experiment; XATOM; XCALIB; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity},
    month={January 6-8},
    booktitle={The 7th Topical Conference of the Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics},
    organization={Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics},
    address={Tirupati, India},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity},
    month={January 25},
    booktitle={Light-Matter Interaction: Recent Advances in Theory},
    address={Hamburg, Germany},
    series={Satellite Workshop of European XFEL and DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting 2018},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={invited talk},

    author={Nora Berrah and Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez and Zoltan Jurek and Razib Obaid and Hui Xiong and Richard J. Squibb and Timur Osipov and Alberto Lutman and Li Fang and Thomas Barillot and John D. Bozek and James Cryan and Thomas J. A. Wolf and Daniel Rolles and Ryan Coffee and Kirsten Schnorr and Sven Augustin and Hironobu Fukuzawa and Koji Motomura and N. Niebuhr and Leszek J. Frasinski and Raimund Feifel and Claus P. Schulz and Koudai Toyota and Sang-Kil Son and Kiyoshi Ueda and Thomas Pfeifer and Jon P. Marangos and Robin Santra},
    title={Femtosecond-resolved observation of the fragmentation of buckminsterfullerene following X-ray multiphoton ionization},
    journal={Nat. Phys.},
    keywords={C60; XMDYN; experiment; pump-probe; fragmentation; ultrafast; LCLS; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Koudai Toyota and Robin Santra and Benedikt Rudek and Artem Rudenko and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Relativistic and resonant effects on x-ray multiphoton multiple ionization of heavy atoms},
    month={March 11-15},
    booktitle={83rd Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP},
    organization={German Physical Society},
    address={Rostock, Germany},
    keywords={Xe; relativity; resonance; excitation; damage; heavy atom; x-ray; REXMI; LCLS; experiment; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={oral presentation},

    author={Koudai Toyota and Zoltan Jurek and Sang-Kil Son and Hironobu Fukuzawa and Kiyoshi Ueda and Nora Berrah and Benedikt Rudek and Daniel Rolles and Artem Rudenko and Robin Santra},
    title={\emph{xcalib}: a focal spot calibrator for intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses based on the charge state distributions of light atoms},
    journal={J. Synchrotron Radiat.},

    author={Xiang Li and Ludger Inhester and Timur Osipov and Rebecca Boll and Ryan Coffee and James Cryan and Ave Gatton and Tais Gorkhover and Gregor Hartman and Markus Ilchen and Andr\'e Knie and Ming-Fu Lin and Michael P. Minitti and Clemens Weninger and Thomas J. A. Wolf and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra and Daniel Rolles and Artem Rudenko and Peter Walter},
    title={Electron-ion coincidence measurements of molecular dynamics with intense x-ray pulses},
    journal={Sci. Rep.},
    keywords={ultrafast; ionization; fragmentation; molecular dynamic; MD; coincidence; pump-probe; XMOLECULE; LCLS; experiment; CFEL; DESY},

    author={Xiang Li and Ludger Inhester and Seyyed J. Robatjazi and Benjamin Erk and Rebecca Boll and Kota Hanasaki and Koudai Toyota and Yajiang Hao and Cedric Bomme and Benedikt Rudek and Lutz Foucar and Stephen H. Southworth and Carl S. Lehmann and Bertold Kr{\"a}ssig and Tatiana Marchenko and Marc Simon and Kiyoshi Ueda and Ken R. Ferguson and Maximilian Bucher and Tais Gorkhover and Sebastian Carron and Roberto Alonso-Mori and Jason E. Koglin and Jonathan Correa and Garth J. Williams and S{\'e}bastien Boutet and Linda Young and Christoph Bostedt and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra and Daniel Rolles and Artem Rudenko},
    title={Pulse energy and pulse duration effects in the ionization and fragmentation of iodomethane by ultraintense hard x rays},
    journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.},
    keywords={CH3I; ionization; fragmentation; CREXIM; XMOLECULE; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; CFEL; DESY},

    author={Mukul Sonker and Diandra Doppler and Ana Egatz-Gomez and Sahba Zaare and Mohammad T. Rabbani and Abhik Manna and Jorvani Cruz Villarreal and Garrett Nelson and Gihan K. Ketawala and Konstantinos Karpos and Roberto C. Alvarez and Reza Nazari and Darren Thifault and Rebecca Jernigan and Dominik Oberth{\"u}r and Huijong Han and Raymond Sierra and Mark S. Hunter and Alexander Batyuk and Christopher J. Kupitz and Robert E. Sublett and Frederic Poitevin and Stella Lisova and Valerio Mariani and Alexandra Tolstikova and Sebastien Boutet and Marc Messerschmidt and J. Domingo Meza-Aguilar and Raimund Fromme and Jose M. Martin-Garcia and Sabine Botha and Petra Fromme and Thomas D. Grant and Richard A. Kirian and Alexandra Ros},
    title={Electrically stimulated droplet injector for reduced sample consumption in serial crystallography},
    journal={Biophys. Rep.},
    keywords={XFEL; SFX; GDVN; LCLS;},