%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/sangkil/biblio %% All talks containing “European XFEL” @conference{Son20a, author={Sang-Kil Son}, title={Breakdown of frustrated absorption in x-ray sequential multiphoton ionization}, year={2020}, month={April 1}, booktitle={CFEL-DESY Theory Seminar}, organization={CFEL}, institution={DESY}, address={Hamburg, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; frustrated absorption; soft x-ray; x-ray multiphoton ionization; REXMI; Xe; XFEL; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, note={oral presentation} } @conference{Son21, author={Sang-Kil Son}, title={Resonances in x-ray multiphoton ionization}, year={2021}, month={March 10-12}, booktitle={Molecular quantum dynamics beyond bound states}, institution={Institute of Physics}, school={Rostock University}, address={Rostock, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; x-ray multiphoton ionization; resonance; REXMI; REMPI; experiment; European XFEL; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, note={invited talk}, url={https://molscience.wordpress.com/workshop/} } @conference{Son23, author={Sang-Kil Son}, title={New opportunities in x-ray spectroscopy at high intensity}, year={2023}, month={July 20}, booktitle={XFEL Special Seminar}, institution={PAL XFEL}, school={POSTECH}, address={Pohang, Korea}, keywords={XATOM; Ne; Xe; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, note={invited talk} } @conference{Son23b, author={Sang-Kil Son}, title={Multiple-core-hole resonance spectroscopy with ultraintense X-ray pulses}, year={2023}, month={September 20}, booktitle={CFEL-DESY Theory Seminar}, organization={CFEL}, institution={DESY}, address={Hamburg, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; Xe; experiment; resonance; spectroscopy; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, note={oral presentation} }