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    author={Sang-Kil Son and Shih-I Chu},
    title={Multielectron Effects on Strong-field Multiphoton Ionization of Polyatomic Molecules},
    month={November 7},
    booktitle={Kansas Physical Chemistry Symposium},
    school={University of Kansas},
    address={Lawrence, Kansas, United States},
    keywords={VFD; TDVFD; Voronoi; strong-field; TDDFT; MPI; N2; CO2; H2O; KU;},
    note={oral presentation}

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Theoretical study of strong-field multiphoton ionization of polyatomic molecules: a new time-dependent Voronoi-cell finite difference method},
    month={July 23},
    booktitle={CFEL Seminar},
    institution={CFEL, DESY},
    address={Hamburg, Germany},
    keywords={VFD; TDVFD; Voronoi; strong-field; TDDFT; MPI; N2; CO2; H2O; KU;},
    note={oral presentation},