The generalized Floquet formalisms have been developed and applied to a wide
range of laser-induced chemical and physical processes [Phys. Rep. 390, 1 (2004)].
The non-Hermitian Floquet formalism and complex
quasienergy methods provide accurate non-perturbative treatment of
bound–continuum processes of strong-field multiphoton phenomena. I have
extended the time-independent non-Hermitian Floquet formalism for
high-precision calculation of the multiphoton ionization (MPI) rates of
H2+ in intense laser fields, employing the generalized
pseudospectral method and the complex scaling method [1]. I also have extended
the time-dependent non-Hermitian Floquet approach of time-dependent density
functional theory (TDDFT) to investigate the one-photon ionization cross
sections and the MPI rates of rare gases, where the computational procedure
includes the generalized pseudospectral method, the exterior complex scaling
method, and non-Hermitian time propagation of the time-evolution operator [2].

Complex quasienergies of the H atom. The bound states are invariant while the continuum states are rotated after the complex scaling method is employed.