%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/huijong/biblio %% All citations containing “CDI” @article{Han21, author={Huijong Han and Ekaterina Round and Robin Schubert and Yasmin G{\"u}l and Jana Makroczyov{\'a} and Domingo Meza and Philipp Heuser and Martin Aepfelbacher and Imrich Bar{\'a}k and Christian Betzel and Petra Fromme and Inari Kursula and Poul Nissen and Elena Tereschenko and Joachim Schulz and Charlotte Uetrecht and Jozef Ulicn{\'y} and Matthias Wilmanns and Janos Hajdu and Victor S. Lamzin and Kristina Lorenzen}, title={The {XBI} {B}io{L}ab for life science experiments at the {E}uropean {XFEL}}, journal={J. Appl. Cryst.}, volume={54}, pages={7--21}, year={2021}, keywords={European XFEL; XBI; SFX; SPI; CDI; structural biology;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576720013989}, doi={10.1107/S1600576720013989} }