%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/huijong/biblio %% All publications containing “nanocrystal” @article{Son11e, author={Sang-Kil Son and Henry N. Chapman and Robin Santra}, title={Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction at high x-ray intensity}, journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume={107}, pages={218102}, year={2011}, keywords={MAD; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; dispersion; x-ray crystallography; nanocrystal; molecular imaging; damage; phase problem; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.218102}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.218102} } @article{Son13, author={Sang-Kil Son and Henry N. Chapman and Robin Santra}, title={Determination of multiwavelength anomalous diffraction coefficients at high x-ray intensity}, journal={J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.}, volume={46}, pages={164015}, year={2013}, keywords={MAD; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; dispersion; x-ray crystallography; nanocrystal; molecular imaging; damage; phase problem; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, note={special issue on frontiers of free-electron laser science}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.3489}, doi={10.1088/0953-4075/46/16/164015} } @article{Abdullah16, author={Malik Muhammad Abdullah and Zoltan Jurek and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={Calculation of x-ray scattering patterns from nanocrystals at high x-ray intensity}, journal={Struct. Dyn.}, volume={3}, pages={054101}, year={2016}, keywords={XATOM; XMDYN; XSINC; CFEL; DESY; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; nanocrystal; molecular imaging;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4958887}, doi={10.1063/1.4958887} } @article{Abdullah18a, author={Malik Muhammad Abdullah and Sang-Kil Son and Zoltan Jurek and Robin Santra}, title={Towards the theoretical limitations of x-ray nanocrystallography at high intensity: the validity of the effective-form-factor description}, journal={IUCrJ}, volume={5}, pages={699--705}, year={2018}, keywords={XATOM; XMDYN; XSINC; nanocrystal; SFX; radiation damage; MAD; x-ray crystallography; x-ray diffraction; x-ray scattering; CFEL; DESY;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052252518011442}, doi={10.1107/S2052252518011442} }