%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/huijong/biblio %% All citations with Huijong Han published in “IUCrJ” @article{Kapetanaki24, author={Kapetanaki, Sofia M. and Coquelle, Nicolas and von Stetten, David and Byrdin, Martin and Rios-Santacruz, Ronald and Bean, Richard and Bielecki, Johan and Boudjelida, Mohamed and Fekete, Zsuzsana and Grime, Geoffrey W. and Han, Huijong and Hatton, Caitlin and Kantamneni, Sravya and Kharitonov, Konstantin and Kim, Chan and Kloos, Marco and Koua, Faisal H. M. and de Diego Martinez, I\~{n}aki and Melo, Diogo and Rane, Lukas and Round, Adam and Round, Ekaterina and Sarma, Abhisakh and Schubert, Robin and Schulz, Joachim and Sikorski, Marcin and Vakili, Mohammad and Valerio, Joana and Vitas, Jovana and de Wijn, Raphael and Wrona, Agnieszka and Zala, Ninon and Pearson, Arwen and D\"{o}rner, Katerina and Schir\`{o}, Giorgio and Garman, Elspeth F. and Luk\'{a}cs, Andr\'{a}s and Weik, Martin}, title={Crystal structure of a bacterial photoactivated adenylate cyclase determined by serial femtosecond and serial synchrotron crystallography}, journal={IUCrJ}, volume={11}, pages={991--1006}, year={2024}, keywords={European XFEL; SFX;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052252524010170}, doi={10.1107/S2052252524010170} }