%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/huijong/biblio %% All publications with Huijong Han published in “Arch. Biochem. Biophys.” @article{Moreno24, author={Andrea Moreno and Isabel Quereda-Moraleda and Celia Lozano-Vallhonrat and Mar{\'i}a Bu{\~n}uel-Escudero and Sabine Botha and Christopher Kupitz and Stella Lisova and Ray Sierra and Valerio Mariani and Pamela Schleissner and Leland B. Gee and Katerina D{\"o}rner and Christina Schmidt and Huijong Han and Marco Kloos and Peter Smyth and Joana Valerio and Joachim Schulz and Raphael {de Wijn} and Diogo V. M. Melo and Adam Round and Fabian Trost and Egor Sobolev and Juncheng E and Marcin Sikorski and Richard Bean and Marta Mart{\'i}nez-J{\'u}lvez and Jose Manuel Martin-Garcia and Milagros Medina}, title={New insights into the function and molecular mechanisms of {F}erredoxin-{NADP}$^+$ reductase from \emph{Brucella ovis}}, journal={Arch. Biochem. Biophys.}, volume={762}, pages={110204}, year={2024}, keywords={European XFEL;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abb.2024.110204}, doi={10.1016/j.abb.2024.110204} }