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Nonsequential two-photon absorption in solid Ge irradiated by an intense x-ray free-electron-laser pulse
Stanislaw Wirok-Stoletow, Rui Jin, Daria Kolbasova, Sang-Kil Son, Andrew Aquila, and Robin Santra
Phys. Rev. A 106, 023118 (2022) [BibTeX] [pdf] doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.106.023118
We theoretically investigate the formation of highly charged ions in germanium (Ge) solid driven by intense, ultrashort x-ray pulses and its effect on the cross sections for nonsequential two-photon absorption from the K shell. Our investigation is related to an experiment conducted at the Linac Coherent Light Source, in which Kα fluorescence was measured to identify nonsequential two-photon ionization. When a solid Ge target is irradiated by an intense x-ray free-electron-laser (XFEL) pulse, it undergoes severe ionization and turns into a plasma state. We employ a Monte Carlo-molecular dynamics approach to simulate the time evolution of Ge plasma formation, and the time-dependent configuration-interaction-singles method for cross-section calculations, taking into account various experimental x-ray beam parameters and Ge charge states created during the plasma formation dynamics. We find that under the given experimental condition at a photon energy of 7200 eV, charged ions are formed quickly (the average charge is ∼+6 at the peak of the pulse and ∼+10 at the end of the pulse). The cross sections of Ge for nonsequential two-photon absorption, however, turn out to be insensitive to different charge states, and the average value over all computed data is (2.61±0.05)×10-59 cm4s. Our work proposes a theoretical framework of photoabsorption cross-section calculations under the influence of plasma formation, when a solid target is employed in XFEL experiments.
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