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Abstract of [Son24a]

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Quantum-state-resolved ionization dynamics induced by x-ray free-electron laser pulses

Sang-Kil Son, Laura Budewig, and Robin Santra

International Workshop on Ultra-Fast Science
(East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, April 21-23, 2024) [poster]

[bib][BibTeX][poster][poster: 6Mb][link]http://www.lps.ecnu.edu.cn/wufs/

Intense x-ray free-electron laser pulses can induce multiple sequences of inner-shell ionization events and accompanying decay processes in atoms, producing highly-charged atomic ions. In general, x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics have been described in terms of time-dependent populations of the electronic configurations visited during the ionization dynamics, neglecting individual state-to-state transition rates and energies. Combining a state-resolved electronic-structure method based on first-order many-body perturbation theory [1] with a Monte Carlo rate-equation method [2] enables us to study state- resolved dynamics based on time-dependent quantum-state populations. Here we present a theoretical study of state-resolved x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics of neon atoms [3]. Our results demonstrate that configuration-based and state-resolved calculations provide similar charge-state distributions, but differences are visible when resonant excitations are involved. Calculated time-resolved spectra of ions, electrons, and photons allow us to investigate ultrafast dynamics of x-ray multiphoton ionization in detail. In addition, we will present a comparison with a recent experiment on Ne [4] and discuss how to handle the extremely large number of atomic parameters involved in state-resolved dynamics calculations via machine-learning techniques [5]. — [1] L. Budewig, S.-K. Son, and R. Santra, Phys. Rev. A 105, 033111 (2022). [2] S.-K. Son and R. Santra, Phys. Rev. A 85, 063415 (2012). [3] L. Budewig, S.-K. Son, and R. Santra, Phys. Rev. A 107, 013102 (2023). [4] S.-K. Son, T. Baumann, et al., in preparation. [5] L. Budewig, S.-K. Son, Z. Jurek, M. M. Abdullah, M. Tropmann-Frick, and R. Santra, submitted.

Tags: Ne, state-resolved, ionization dynamics, XFEL, XATOM, CFEL, DESY

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