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Abstract of [Son21]

Resonances in x-ray multiphoton ionization

Sang-Kil Son

Molecular quantum dynamics beyond bound states
(Institute of Physics, Rostock University, Rostock, Germany, March 10-12, 2021) [invited talk]

[bib][BibTeX][slide][slide: 7Mb][link]https://molscience.wordpress.com/workshop/

When atoms and molecules interact with intense x-ray pulses, they are highly ionized via a sequence of photoionization events and accompanying relaxation processes, so-called x-ray multiphoton ionization. Resonances that could occur during this multiphoton multiple ionization dynamics will dramatically influence formation of those highly charged ions. In my talk, I will discuss how to describe sequential multiphoton multiple ionization dynamics in the x-ray regime, emphasizing resonant excitation, and how to overcome theoretical and numerical challenges in doing so. I will present two examples of resonance-related phenomena observed in recent XFEL experiments: REXMI and REMPI in the x-ray regime.

Tags: XATOM, x-ray multiphoton ionization, resonance, REXMI, REMPI, experiment, European XFEL, XFEL, CFEL, DESY

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