1. Sang-Kil Son, “What happens to atoms and molecules during x-ray free-electron laser pulses?” in Seminar on Dynamical Aspects of Theoretical Chemistry (Department of Chemistry, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, November 19, 2015) [invited talk].
  2. Sang-Kil Son, “What happens to atoms and molecules during x-ray free-electron laser pulses?” in Physical Colloquium (Institute of Physics, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany, December 3, 2015) [invited talk].
  3. Ludger Inhester, Kota Hanasaki, Yajiang Hao, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, “X-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics of a water molecule irradiated by an x-ray free-electron laser pulse,” Phys. Rev. A 94, 023422 (2016).
  4. Ludger Inhester, Kota Hanasaki, Oriol Vendrell, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, “Ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity” in DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP (German Physical Society, Hanover, Germany, February 29-March 4, 2016).
  5. Sang-Kil Son, “Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity” in The 47th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (American Physics Society, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, May 23-27, 2016) [invited talk].
  6. Sang-Kil Son, “Electronic structure at high x-ray intensity” in The electronic-structure problem in theoretical strong-field physics (ITAMP, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, October 10-14, 2016) [invited talk].
  7. Sang-Kil Son, “What happens to atoms and molecules during x-ray free-electron laser pulses?” in Physics and Photon Science Colloquium (Department of Physics and Photon Science, GIST, Gwangju, Korea, October 18, 2016) [invited talk].
  8. Sang-Kil Son, “Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity” in Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting (Korean Physical Society, Gwangju, Korea, October 19-21, 2016) [invited talk].
  9. Artem Rudenko, Ludger Inhester, Kota Hanasaki, Xiang Li, Seyyed J. Robatjazi, Benjamin Erk, Rebecca Boll, Koudai Toyota, Yajiang Hao, Oriol Vendrell, Cedric Bomme, Evgeny Savelyev, Benedikt Rudek, Lutz Foucar, Stephen H. Southworth, Carl S. Lehmann, Bertold Krässig, Tatiana Marchenko, Marc Simon, Kiyoshi Ueda, Ken R. Ferguson, Maximilian Bucher, Tais Gorkhover, Sebastian Carron, Roberto Alonso-Mori, Jason E. Koglin, Jonathan Correa, Garth J. Williams, Sébastien Boutet, Linda Young, Christoph Bostedt, Sang-Kil Son, Robin Santra, and Daniel Rolles, “Femtosecond response of polyatomic molecules to ultra-intense hard X-rays,” Nature 546, 129–132 (2017).
  10. Sang-Kil Son, “What happens to atoms and molecules during X-ray free-electron laser pulses?” in European XFEL Theory Seminar (European XFEL, Schenefeld, Germany, June 22, 2017) [invited talk].
  11. Sang-Kil Son, “Electronic structure of atoms and molecules at high x-ray intensity” in New trends in theory for experiments at advanced light sources (European XFEL and CFEL, Schenefeld and Hamburg, Germany, November 29-December 1, 2017) [invited talk].
  12. Sang-Kil Son, “Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity” in The 7th Topical Conference of the Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics (Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Tirupati, India, January 6-8, 2018) [invited talk].
  13. Sang-Kil Son, “Ultrafast ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecules at high x-ray intensity” in Light-Matter Interaction: Recent Advances in Theory (DESY, Hamburg, Germany, January 25, 2018) in Satellite Workshop of European XFEL and DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting 2018 [invited talk].
  14. Sang-Kil Son, Koudai Toyota, Ludger Inhester, Yajiang Hao, Kota Hanasaki, Robin Santra, Benedikt Rudek, Artem Rudenko, and Daniel Rolles, “Giant x-ray multiphoton ionization of atoms and molecules” in Multiphoton Processes (Gordon Research Conference, Bryant University, Rhode Island, US, June 24-29, 2018) [poster].
  15. Sang-Kil Son, Koudai Toyota, Ludger Inhester, Yajiang Hao, Kota Hanasaki, Robin Santra, Benedikt Rudek, Artem Rudenko, and Daniel Rolles, “Giant x-ray multiphoton ionization of atoms and molecules” in European XFEL and DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting (DESY, Hamburg, Germany, January 23-25, 2019) [poster].
  16. Sang-Kil Son, Rebecca Boll, and Robin Santra, “Breakdown of frustrated absorption in x-ray sequential multiphoton ionization,” Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 023053 (2020).
  17. Sang-Kil Son, “Breakdown of frustrated absorption in x-ray sequential multiphoton ionization” in CFEL-DESY Theory Seminar (CFEL, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, April 1, 2020) [oral presentation].
  18. Sang-Kil Son, “Theory of X-ray–matter interactions” in Ultrafast X-ray Summer School (PULSE, Stanford, California, United States, June 15-22, 2020) [lecture].
  19. Sang-Kil Son, “Resonances in x-ray multiphoton ionization” in Molecular quantum dynamics beyond bound states (Institute of Physics, Rostock University, Rostock, Germany, March 10-12, 2021) [invited talk].
  20. Sang-Kil Son, “Relativistic effects in x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics” in 13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics (Assisi, Italy, September 26-30, 2022) [invited talk].
  21. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, “State-resolved ionization dynamics of neon atom induced by x-ray free-electron-laser pulses,” Phys. Rev. A 107, 013102 (2023).
  22. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, Zoltan Jurek, Malik Muhammad Abdullah, Marina Tropmann-Frick, and Robin Santra, “X-ray-induced atomic transitions via machine learning: A computational investigation,” Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 013265 (2024).
  23. Laura Budewig, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra, “Electron-cloud alignment dynamics induced by an intense X-ray free-electron laser pulse: a case study on atomic argon,” Commun. Phys. 7, 363 (2024) [special issue: Ultrafast X-ray Spectroscopy].