%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/biblio %% All posters containing “fluorescence” @conference{Son11b, author={Sang-Kil Son and Linda Young and Robin Santra}, title={Impact of hollow-atom formation on coherent x-ray scattering at high intensity}, year={2011}, month={January 26-28}, booktitle={European XFEL and HASYLAB Users' Meeting}, institution={DESY}, address={Hamburg, Germany}, keywords={hollow-atom; damage; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; molecular imaging; FEL; C; CFEL; DESY;}, note={poster}, url={https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3573} } @conference{Son11c, author={Sang-Kil Son and Linda Young and Robin Santra}, title={Impact of hollow-atom formation on coherent x-ray scattering at high intensity}, year={2011}, month={March 13-18}, booktitle={75th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting}, organization={German Physical Society}, address={Dresden, Germany}, keywords={hollow-atom; damage; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; molecular imaging; FEL; C; CFEL; DESY; DPG;}, note={poster}, url={http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2011/conference/dresden/part/a/session/26/contribution/15} } @conference{Son11d, author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={XATOM: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and atomic physics}, year={2011}, month={March 18-20}, booktitle={1st CFEL Symposium 2011}, organization={CFEL}, address={Sylt, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; damage; FEL; C; Ne; Fe; Xe; CFEL; DESY;}, note={poster} } @conference{Son11f, author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={XATOM: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and atomic physics}, year={2011}, month={July 19-22}, booktitle={The 17th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas}, school={Queen's University}, address={Belfast, United Kingdom}, keywords={XATOM; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; damage; FEL; C; Ne; Fe; Xe; CFEL; DESY;}, note={poster}, url={http://www.qub.ac.uk/apip2011/index.html} } @conference{Son12a, author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={XATOM: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and atomic physics}, year={2012}, month={January 7-8}, booktitle={The 3rd CQSE International Workshop on Atomic, Molecular, and Ultrafast Science and Technology}, school={National Taiwan University}, address={Taipei, Taiwan}, keywords={XATOM; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; damage; FEL; C; Ne; Fe; Xe; CFEL; DESY;}, note={poster}, url={http://www.tl.ntu.edu.tw/2012/cqse/index.asp} } @conference{Son12c, author={Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={XATOM: an integrated toolkit for X-ray and atomic physics}, year={2012}, month={February 12-17}, booktitle={Photoions, Photoionization and Photodetachment}, organization={Gordon Research Conference}, address={Galveston, Texas, US}, keywords={XATOM; ionization; Auger; fluorescence; x-ray scattering; x-ray diffraction; damage; FEL; C; Ne; Fe; Xe; CFEL; DESY;}, note={poster}, url={https://www.grc.org/photoions-photoionization-and-photodetachment-conference/2012/} } @conference{Son14, author={Sang-Kil Son and Robert Thiele and Zoltan Jurek and Beata Ziaja and Robin Santra}, title={Quantum-mechanical calculation of ionization-potential lowering in dense plasmas}, year={2014}, month={January 29-31}, booktitle={European XFEL and DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting}, institution={DESY}, address={Hamburg, Germany}, keywords={plasma; screening; ionization potential depression; IPD; fluorescence; Al; two-step; average-atom; XATOM; CFEL; DESY;}, note={poster}, url={https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=9088} }