%% The BibTeX file generated by zannavi.com/biblio %% All citations with Sang-Kil Son containing “XCID” and “DESY” @article{Sytcheva12a, author={Arina Sytcheva and Stefan Pabst and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={Enhanced nonlinear response of {Ne}^{8+} to intense ultrafast x rays}, journal={Phys. Rev. A}, volume={85}, pages={023414}, year={2012}, keywords={Ne; x-ray; nonlinear; two-photon; cross section; TDCIS; XATOM; XCID; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.85.023414}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevA.85.023414} } @conference{Kolbasova18, author={Daria Kolbasova and Sang-Kil Son and Zoltan Jurek and Robin Santra}, title={Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and electron spectroscopy for noble gas atoms: A {TDCIS} approach}, year={2018}, month={July 15-20}, booktitle={21st International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena}, address={Hamburg, Germany}, keywords={XCID; CFEL; DESY;}, url={http://www.up2018.org} }