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%% All citations  with Sang-Kil Son containing “SQS” and “DESY”

    author={L. Inhester and T. Jahnke and R. Guillemin and Sang-Kil Son and G. Kastirke and M. Ilchen and J. Rist and D. Trabert and N. Melzer and N. Anders and T. Mazza and R. Boll and De Fanis, A. and V. Music and Th. Weber and M. Weller and S. Eckart and K. Fehre and S. Grundmann and A. Hartung and M. Hofmann and C. Janke and M. Kircher and G. Nalin and A. Pier and J. Siebert and N. Strenger and I. Vela-Perez and T. M. Baumann and P. Grychtol and J. Montano and Y. Ovcharenko and N. Rennhack and D. E. Rivas and R. Wagner and P. Ziolkowski and P. Schmidt and T. Marchenko and O. Travnikova and L. Journel and I. Ismail and E. Kukk and J. Niskanen and F. Trinter and C. Vozzi and M. Devetta and S. Stagira and M. Gisselbrecht and A. L. J\"ager and X. Li and Y. Malakar and M. Martins and R. Feifel and L. Ph. H. Schmidt and A. Czasch and G. Sansone and D. Rolles and A. Rudenko and K. Ueda and R. Moshammer and R. D\"orner and M. Meyer and T. Pfeifer and M. S. Sch\"offler and R. Santra and M. Simon and M. N. Piancastelli},
    title={Inner-shell-ionization-induced femtosecond structural dynamics of water molecules imaged in real time at an x-ray free-electron laser},
    month={July 20-23},
    booktitle={XXXII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; water; fragmentation; coincidence; experiment; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Till Jahnke and Renaud Guillemin and Ludger Inhester and Sang-Kil Son and Gregor Kastirke and Markus Ilchen and Jonas Rist and Daniel Trabert and Niklas Melzer and Nils Anders and Tommaso Mazza and Rebecca Boll and Alberto {De Fanis} and Valerija Music and Thorsten Weber and Miriam Weller and Sebastian Eckart and Kilian Fehre and Sven Grundmann and Alexander Hartung and Max Hofmann and Christian Janke and Max Kircher and Giammarco Nalin and Andreas Pier and Juliane Siebert and Nico Strenger and Isabel Vela-Perez and Thomas M. Baumann and Patrik Grychtol and Jacobo Montano and Yevheniy Ovcharenko and Nils Rennhack and Daniel E. Rivas and Rene Wagner and Pawel Ziolkowski and Philipp Schmidt and Tatiana Marchenko and Oksana Travnikova and Lo{\"\i}c Journel and Iyas Ismail and Edwin Kukk and Johannes Niskanen and Florian Trinter and Caterina Vozzi and Michele Devetta and Salvatore Stagira and Mathieu Gisselbrecht and Anna Lena J{\"a}ger and Xiang Li and Yubaraj Malakar and Michael Martins and Raimund Feifel and Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt and Achim Czasch and Giuseppe Sansone and Daniel Rolles and Artem Rudenko and Robert Moshammer and Reinhard D{\"o}rner and Michael Meyer and Thomas Pfeifer and Markus S. Sch{\"o}ffler and Robin Santra and Marc Simon and Maria Novella Piancastelli},
    title={Inner-shell-ionization-induced femtosecond structural dynamics of water molecules imaged at an x-ray free-electron laser},
    journal={Phys. Rev. X},
    keywords={XMOLECULE; water; fragmentation; coincidence; experiment; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={A. R\"orig and T. M. Baumann and B. Erk and M. Ilchen and J. Laksman and T. Mazza and M. Meyer and V. Musi\'c and S. Pathak and D. E. Rivas and D. Rolles and R. Santra and J. M. Sch\"afer and S. Serkez and P. Schmidt and S. Usenko and Sang-Kil Son and R. Boll},
    title={Non-linear multiphoton ionisation dynamics of xenon upon irradiation by highly intense soft X-ray free-electron laser pulses},
    month={July 20-23},
    booktitle={XXXII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions},
    keywords={XATOM; Xe; experiment; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Aaron C. LaForge and Debadarshini Mishra and Markus Ilchen and Stephen Duncanson and Eemeli Eronen and Edwin Kukk and Stanislaw Wirok-Stoletow and Daria Kolbasova and Peter Walter and Rebecca Boll and Alberto De Fanis and Michael Meyer and Yevheniy Ovcharenko and Daniel E. Rivas and Philipp Schmidt and Sergey Usenko and Robin Santra and Nora Berrah},
    title={Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization in the x-ray regime},
    month={July 20-23},
    booktitle={XXXII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions},
    keywords={XATOM; XREMPI; Ar; experiment; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Aaron C. LaForge and Debadarshini Mishra and Markus Ilchen and Stephen Duncanson and Eemeli Eronen and Edwin Kukk and Stanislaw Wirok-Stoletow and Daria Kolbasova and Peter Walter and Rebecca Boll and Alberto De Fanis and Michael Meyer and Yevheniy Ovcharenko and Daniel E. Rivas and Philipp Schmidt and Sergey Usenko and Robin Santra and Nora Berrah},
    title={Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization in the x-ray regime},
    month={November 22-24},
    booktitle={Workshop on Science of ``From Matter to Materials and Life''},
    keywords={XATOM; XREMPI; Ar; experiment; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Rebecca Boll and Julia M. Sch{\"a}fer and Beno{\^i}t Richard and Kilian Fehre and Gregor Kastirke and Zoltan Jurek and Markus S. Sch{\"o}ffler and Malik M. Abdullah and Nils Anders and Thomas M. Baumann and Sebastian Eckart and Benjamin Erk and Alberto {De Fanis} and Reinhard D{\"o}rner and Lutz Foucar and Sven Grundmann and Patrik Grychtol and Alexander Hartung and Max Hofmann and Markus Ilchen and Ludger Inhester and Christian Janke and Rui Jin and Max Kircher and Katharina Kubicek and Maksim Kunitski and Xiang Li and Tommaso Mazza and Severin Meister and Niklas Melzer and Jacobo Montano and Valerija Music and Giammarco Nalin and Yevheniy Ovcharenko and Christopher Passow and Andreas Pier and Nils Rennhack and Jonas Rist and Daniel E. Rivas and Daniel Rolles and Ilme Schlichting and Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt and Philipp Schmidt and Juliane Siebert and Nico Strenger and Daniel Trabert and Florian Trinter and Isabel Vela-Perez and Rene Wagner and Peter Walter and Miriam Weller and Pawel Ziolkowski and Sang-Kil Son and Artem Rudenko and Michael Meyer  and Robin Santra and Till Jahnke},
    title={X-ray multiphoton-induced Coulomb explosion images complex single molecules},
    journal={Nat. Phys.},
    keywords={XMDYN; iodopyridine; Coulomb explosion; CEI; x-ray explosion dynamics; coincidence; experiment; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY},

    author={Niels Breckwoldt and Sang-Kil Son and Tommaso Mazza and Aljoscha R{"o}rig and Rebecca Boll and Michael Meyer and Aaron C. LaForge and Debadarshini Mishra and Nora Berrah and Robin Santra},
    title={Machine-learning calibration of intense x-ray free-electron-laser pulses using Bayesian optimization},
    journal={Phys. Rev. Res.},
    keywords={XCALIB; XATOM; machine learning; calibration; Ar; Ne; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Tommaso Mazza and Thomas M. Baumann and Rebecca Boll and Alberto {De Fanis} and Patrik Grychtol and Markus Ilchen and Jacobo Monta{\~n}o and Valerija Music and Yevheniy Ovcharenko and Nils Rennhack and Daniel E. Rivas and Aljoscha R{\"o}rig and Philipp Schmidt and Sergey Usenko and Pawel Zio{\l}kowski and Daniele La Civita and Maurizio Vannoni and Harald Sinn and Barbara Keitel and Elke Pl{\"o}njes and Ulf Fini Jastrow and Andrey Sorokin and Kai Tiedtke and Klaus Mann and Bernd Sch{\"a}fer and Niels Breckwoldt and Sang-Kil Son and Michael Meyer},
    title={The beam transport system for the Small Quantum Systems instrument at the {E}uropean {XFEL}: optical layout and first commissioning results},
    journal={J. Synchrotron Radiat.},
    keywords={XCALIB; XATOM; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Aljoscha R{\"o}rig and Sang-Kil Son and Tommaso Mazza and Philipp Schmidt and Thomas M. Baumann and Benjamin Erk and Markus Ilchen and Joakim Laksman and Valerija Music and Shashank Pathak and Daniel E. Rivas and Daniel Rolles and Svitozar Serkez and Sergey Usenko and Robin Santra and Michael Meyer and Rebecca Boll},
    title={Multiple-core-hole resonance spectroscopy with ultraintense X-ray pulses},
    journal={Nat. Commun.},
    keywords={XATOM; Xe; experiment; resonance; spectroscopy; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Aljoscha R{\"o}rig and Tommaso Mazza and Philipp Schmidt and Thomas M. Baumann and Benjamin Erk and Markus Ilchen and Joakim Laksman and Valerija Music and Shashank Pathak and Daniel E. Rivas and Daniel Rolles and Svitozar Serkez and Sergey Usenko and Robin Santra and Michael Meyer and Rebecca Boll},
    title={Multiple-core-hole resonance spectroscopy with ultraintense X-ray pulses},
    month={September 27-29},
    booktitle={Workshop on Science of ``From Matter to Materials and Life''},
    school={University of Jena},
    address={Jena, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; Xe; experiment; resonance; spectroscopy; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son},
    title={Multiple-core-hole resonance spectroscopy with ultraintense X-ray pulses},
    month={September 20},
    booktitle={CFEL-DESY Theory Seminar},
    address={Hamburg, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; Xe; experiment; resonance; spectroscopy; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},
    note={oral presentation}

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Aljoscha R{\"o}rig and Tommaso Mazza and Philipp Schmidt and Thomas Baumann and Benjamin Erk and Markus Ilchen and Joakim Laksman and Valerija Music and Shashank Pathak and Daniel Rivas and Daniel Rolles and Svitozar Serkez and Sergey Usenko and Robin Santra and Michael Meyer and Rebecca Boll},
    title={Multiple-core-hole resonance spectroscopy with ultraintense x-ray pulses},
    month={April 23-26},
    booktitle={International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces},
    school={Fudan University},
    address={Shanghai, China},
    keywords={XATOM; Xe; resonance; spectroscopy; SQS; European XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},