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%% All posters  with Sang-Kil Son containing “x-ray multiphoton ionization”

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Koudai Toyota and Ludger Inhester and Yajiang Hao and Kota Hanasaki and Robin Santra and Benedikt Rudek and Artem Rudenko and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Giant x-ray multiphoton ionization of atoms and molecules},
    month={June 24-29},
    booktitle={Multiphoton Processes},
    organization={Gordon Research Conference},
    address={Bryant University, Rhode Island, US},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; MMID; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},

    author={Sang-Kil Son and Koudai Toyota and Ludger Inhester and Yajiang Hao and Kota Hanasaki and Robin Santra and Benedikt Rudek and Artem Rudenko and Daniel Rolles},
    title={Giant x-ray multiphoton ionization of atoms and molecules},
    month={January 23-25},
    booktitle={European XFEL and DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting},
    address={Hamburg, Germany},
    keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; MMID; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;},